Aged Care Homes

Aged care homes are going to go through major changes and upheaval during Pluto in Aquarius. They'll be destroyed as they currently are.

Aquarius = Saturn ruled = time & age Pluto = destruction and transformation

People are going to have a problem with how its residents are being treated and with the facilities themselves, and how capitalism and corruption is involved. Elderly abuse and neglect will be exposed more clearly than ever.

Through capitalism's eyes, the elderly are worthless, so it throws them away and lets them rot.

When it comes to their loved ones, people aren't going to tolerate it anymore. People will fight for what their loved ones deserve.

This will also tie in closely with the death, medical, and neurological themes of Pluto in Aquarius.

People often have no choice but to put their loved ones in a home, because they cannot afford to take care of them. And as soon as they're in there, their health and sanity deteriorates, and they die.

The neglect is not purely the fault of the workers. People are understaffed, underpaid, and exhausted. It's the fault and the result of capitalism more than anything. But it's killing people. And it won't be overlooked any longer.

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Written in March 2023