Written in June 2021
Let's talk a bit about my favourite planet, Uranus! Uranus is one of the outer planets in the solar system and takes about 84 years to complete its orbit around the Sun.
Right now Uranus is transiting Taurus. Uranus entered Taurus in May 2018 and will remain until April 2026. This gives us approximately 8 years in this energy with the tropical zodiac. However, when looking at the sidereal zodiac system, Uranus will be in Taurus until 2032. Sidereal energy is a bit different to tropical however this will extend its influence giving us around 14 years in total of Uranus in this sign.
June 2025 to April 2026 is of special importance, as Uranus will be dancing around the critical 29º, which will bring a sense of urgency to the matters at hand.
Throughout the time period that Uranus transits Taurus, we could begin to see:
1. An increase in environmental destruction
2. Rise of volatile weather events and natural disasters
3. Significant innovations that aid in sustainable living and popularization of renewable energy sources
4. Economic collapse, inflation, and transformation of the economy
5. Complete change in our perspectives and attitudes towards our Earth, resources, and sense of value as a collective.
Uranus exalts in Pluto's ruling sign Scorpio, and is vital to the mechanism of evolution and universal change. Uranus is the catalyst, the spark of action and ripple effect, and Pluto is the culmination and collapse. It forces rebirth through the death of something prior. What this energy does is bring things to a climax so they can no longer be ignored, and must be addressed as a priority by society. It's the ultimatum.
Furthermore, Uranus is the rival of Saturn and breaks down former societal structures in order to move away from dated or harmful traditions. It rules progression, innovation, science, technology, revolution, and liberation.
So in the sign of Taurus, a fixed Earth sign that rules over nature, the environment, the land we live on, our economy, and all of the material resources we depend on to survive, you can see where this mix might lead.
We must also remember that Taurus is opposite to Scorpio on the zodiac wheel, so while Uranus is exalted in Scorpio, it is fallen in Taurus. This means that the transition won't be as smooth for us, as Taurus is slow, stubborn and habitual, and typically resists the tides of change. Masses of people (particularly those in positions of power and riches) will try to hold onto old ways of life for as long as possible. This will raise the stakes as a result and the impacts of this transit could be perceived as something more detrimental, at least while we're in the midst of it. Keep in mind the lessons learned by humanity will strengthen our world in the end.
Since we live in a highly materialistic civilization built on the ideals of capitalism and consumerism, the effects of this transit will extend to reach every 'corner' of the globe. We are at the mercy of Mother Earth and it could very well be one of the greatest shifts we witness in our lifetimes.
As I write this, #climatechange and #severeweather is trending on Twitter.
It's no secret that this has been a heated topic of discussion for quite some time, however from now until 2032 I believe it will be forced to the forefront of our focus, while its effects bleed into all of humanity's everyday operations.
While Uranus is in Taurus I also expect to see an increase in environmental destruction at the hands of human beings.
It has always been grim however tree clearing and deforestation could reach a pinnacle, even in suburban areas or places that have been protected for a long time prior. The demand for space to expand upon things such as city infrastructure, housing, military, mines, factories, farms, and landfills won't go ignored. Especially with Pluto at the final degrees of Capricorn, those who benefit monetarily in governments, corporations, or any top position of power will certainly pull the strings to ensure it goes their way. This means that environmental degradation in favour of immoderate human desires could remain as it brews the purest manifestation of Uranus' upheaval.
I feel that the detrimental impact on local wildlife populations will not be taken into consideration, and damages to their fragile ecosystems could be enormous and irreversible. Mass culling and extinction of native animal species are likely. This is reflected by Idaho's recent decision to cull its wolf population by 90% in the favour of its ranchers, which I find abhorrently ignorant on their part.
This isn't only confined to the land either, as human influence expands deep into the oceans, and Japan's recent announcement that they will be dumping nuclear waste into the sea is another example.
Our society's wilful ignorance and dismissal of scientific truths will inevitably catch up. Such contempt toward the system of nature will result in changing weather patterns and extreme transformations of the biosphere, ones that humankind is not yet ready or equipped to deal with.
Our actions come with consequences. We'll feel the Earth's wrath in the form of natural disasters and unprecedented weather events, and have begun seeing evidence of this in recent years with the Australian Bushfires and the Texas Freeze.
The spread of disease is also not exempt but rather in direct association to our environmental actions, as Covid-19 correlated with the great Saturn/Jupiter/Pluto conjunction of 2020 which was trine to Uranus in Taurus.
Seeing how the virality of this disease was enough to halt humanity's operations and bring the world to its knees, we can understand just how connected we are to each other across the planet and how fragile our system really is when it's being challenged by a force greater than itself.
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and it won't take much for nature to achieve this again, especially if we refuse to learn the first time. Unfortunately, those in control typically do refuse to learn and it's likely we'll run into more disruptions in the future.
It's a scientific fact that droughts, floods, and landslides come as a result of deforestation and loss of native animal populations, as animals regenerate the ecosystem and trees naturally cool the atmosphere with their roots keeping the ground stable and intact. Each biome has an intricate system that must coexist to sustain itself, and if something disrupts it, it malfunctions and falls apart.
One industry that continues to stretch the boundaries and ignore this fact is the agricultural industry. I will reiterate here that Uranus rules sudden upheaval, chaos, and the weather, and that Taurus rules the environment, economy, values, comforts, land, and food. Every single one of these things is intricately connected within a network of energy.
So in the future, our changing climate could begin to affect the very land we rely on and tear human beings away from the illusion that we possess and control the Earth. This could influence all sorts of factory manufacturing and resource availability, but since farmland spreads across 38% of the globe this is bound to bring complications to farming and production of food supply.
Scientists may also advance with the idea of lab-grown foods like meats and dairy, and these innovations could officially start being released as a product to the public to satisfy the gaps in the market.
With the involvement of Uranus, all of our established norms will turn upside down.
However it doesn't just stop with our food and farmlands, as certain areas of living could become uninhabitable and displace populations, which will naturally also cause values in the real estate markets to fluctuate.
Prices will collapse or inflate depending on the affected areas. People will face extreme losses and gains through economic volatility and the wealth divide could become more distressing than ever before.
Rates in homelessness or lack of human rights in the face of crisis could rise and kickstart a revolution against our governments and other exploitative organizations, as I mentioned earlier Uranus is the planet of rebellion and liberation. Pluto will also be in Aquarius, the sign that Uranus rules, which ties in significantly with the power dynamics at play.
(To elaborate, Pluto is the death and rebirth of everything it touches, as well as life's evolutionary and progressive push forward. On one end its energy expands and erupts, on the other it reduces into ashes and nothingness. The sign of Aquarius relates to society and humanity in general, Aquarius represents the common people and the masses, so this brings in the matters of groups, unions and entire countries.
On the opposite end of it's polarity is Leo, which symbolizes those in positions of power, governments, kings, queens, celebrities and ruling institutions. Pluto will be in opposition to Leo during its time in Aquarius, bringing an onslaught of endings and new beginnings. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was when the French Revolution occurred.)
Pluto will be in Aquarius from 2023-2044 which gives us 21 long years in this realm of energy. It's the mark of a new era. Somewhere in the world a massive overthrow could occur and a new order will be born out of it.
Whenever something as necessary as food, water and shelter is confronted by something out of our control, it shifts the entire framework around our values and currencies, inflation of money, and how every individual exchanges their goods and services.
Even if the problem manifests as something different, the astrology is certainly warning us that volatility in the things connected to our needs and nourishments will shock us. It's not too far-fetched to say an economic collapse is on the horizon
So if society does edge towards some kind of historic uprising, I predict that it could be in relation to the oncoming climate and economic crisis, as Uranus is the catalyst of Pluto and it's transit through Taurus adds these elements together.
Since Taurus rules over money and Uranus rules over technology or abnormality, I feel that masses of people who are able to may jump to cryptocurrency as the dollar value plummets. 'Normal' currencies could decrease in value while new and unconventional currency like Bitcoin and Ethereum rises in value and becomes the norm. If you aren't familiar, cryptocurrency is a decentralized digital store of value.
With all this being said, nothing involving Uranus comes without a silver lining. Uranus rules the future and so there is always hope. Astrology does not negate the presence of free will, and we as a collective can always choose which direction we want our path to go. With self-awareness and an appropriate course of action we can prevent negative situations ahead of time. When bad deeds reach an extremity, so come the good ones to combat them.
Here are some of the positives we may have to look forward to!
– In an effort to become more sustainable and appeal to greater society, major brands could soon be making some massively innovative moves.
– Many great charitable efforts involving our communities and environment could be born and deeply change the lives of those in need. Groups of people may come together online to raise funds for important causes, generating millions of dollars together to change the world.
– Renewable energy sources could finally replace the widespread use of oil, gas and coal, and society could invest in sustainable ways of living. Plastic packaging and materials could soon become widely rejected in favour of biodegradable alternatives.
– Many people may replace their monoculture lawns for more nutrient and biodiverse gardens where they can grow and harvest their own food.
– Mining operations may be heavily restricted or not receive the same support as they used to, and the days of torturous factory farming methods and slaughterhouses may come closer to its end.
– Those who value nature will unite in powerful groups to protect threatened areas of the environment. More trees may be planted and parks built around city areas. Non-conformists may take part in guerrilla gardening and seed bombing on public lands. Perhaps the idea of communal fruit and vegetable gardens could take off and benefit everybody.
– Some of the most toxic beauty norms may finally be put to rest, as realistic body diversity becomes favourable in modeling and advertising. Natural body types in all forms will be embraced and celebrated.
Men could begin wearing makeup, dresses, skirts, nail polish and heels with confidence, and many women may start to relax from the constant pressures of glitz and glamour and decide to present more naturally, or with more androgynous styles.
– As Taurus is Venus ruled and links in with the concepts of sexuality and gender, these rigid and outdated binaries should also come to an end and allow each individual to express themselves freely and fluidly.
– Ordinary people could begin to wake up to the fabricated illusion that is our reality. Rebellion towards these workplaces could happen in waves, with masses of people quitting their exploitative minimum wage jobs and corporations unable to find employees as easily as before. Unions will rise to fight for their rights.
– People will ditch their jobs in pursuit of their own personal passions and self-sustaining online businesses. Jobs where people can work in comfort from home should become more commonplace.
– A healthy supply and demand of online goods and services crafted by small individual businesses will cause the economy to prosper with a life of its own, separate from what we've always known it to be. People with small online businesses will be supported and uplifted by community interest.
– Artists and creators in particular could find more success than they've ever had access to before, as we are on the verge of a creative digital renaissance. Seeing as Venus rules both art and money, art exists within the same wavelength as wealth and abundance. Where there is art there is money. And creatives will come to see just how valuable their authentic energy really is to those that resonate with it.
– Thanks to social media's advancement of thriving online communities people will find spaces where they feel they truly belong, and make healthy connections that fulfill them down to the depths of their soul, no matter how weird or unusual their interest might be.
The spark of divine passion will reawaken within the collective, and with it comes a great potential for healing. There are certainly some exciting times ahead in store for us all.