Natural Disasters

Written in June 2021

I hate to say it, but natural disasters are only going to get worse. We are on the brink of a revolution, and increasingly severe weather events like these will be the final catalyst for it. Let me explain.

We are currently living in the era of Uranus in Taurus. We have been since about 2018, but it continues until 2025. We’re not even half way through it yet.

Uranus is the planet of revolution, rebellion and liberation. But it also rules over chaotic systems, like the weather. Taurus is the sign that represents the earth, our environment, and the forces of nature. As well as our material resources, like food, money, and real estate.

Uranus energy is the catalyst that creates opposition to harmful and outdated traditions, and pushes forth progression. It also rules over matters of society and forces people to pay attention to the faults in the system, whether they like it or not. I call it the “apathy destroyer”.

What this means is that these kinds of weather events are only going to get more and more diruptiive, affecting larger and larger groups of people, halting the workforce, displacing populations, and creating chaos that is unable to be managed though conventional means.

All of our material comforts and needs will be challenged, that means food, water and shelter systems, so farming, pipelines, supply chains and housing, all disturbed by our changing climate, and the resulting actions of those in power.

These events will be unprecedented in both scale and quantity. The kind that humanity is not yet ready or equipped to deal with. We can already see examples of this with the 2020 Australian bushfires, and the Texas freeze. These were considered historic and record breaking weather events, and there are more to come.

But you know what else is a chaotic natural system? Yep, Covid-19. The spread of disease is not exempt from this list, its inherently connected and adds fuel to the fire. Not to mention that the ice age permafrost is melting as we speak, thawing bacteria that humans today have never come into contact with.

We dont have a plan, because those in power have never cared about one. They’ve never cared about the masses for anything other than exploitation. And thats all about to catch up, because everything thats been happening has been in preparation for this. Its universal purpose is to push us to the brink, we cannot ignore it anymore.

Uranus in Taurus is earthquake energy, both literally and figuratively, and serves to shake us all awake, on a grand collective scale. All of this pressure is to force people to act. To show us the truth about the societal power dynamics and wealth divide that we are a part of. This leads us to a point of culmination.

With economic collapse, a rise of homelessness, and basic human rights/needs not being met, we build an army of people who have nothing left to lose. And come Pluto in Aquarius after 2023, all of our established power structures will be directly challenged by the masses, the power of the people.

Pluto, the planet of destruction will be opposing Leo, the sign of elite dominance, for the first time in 248 years. The very foundations they rely on will crumble at their feet. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was when the French Revolution occurred. If this shift doesn’t happen before 2025, what happens between now and then, will create the ripple effect that will trigger it before Pluto is done transiting Aquarius by 2044.

Though my bets are on 2025 or shortly thereafter because this is also when Neptune enters Aries, and the last time that happened, aligned with the civil war.

We are about to witness the death and rebirth of society. Get ready for it.

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