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Pluto in Aquarius will make many kinds of ‘survivors’ very powerful.  

Survivor stories will be spread, people’s first hand experiences of death and tragedy will be in the spotlight.

Think of stories such as the ones from the TV show "I Shouldn’t Be Alive" for example. People will be more curious about these kinds of stories.

Extreme survivalism is a theme or Pluto in Aquarius. Lone survivors will be particularly fascinating to hear about as they tell of their witness to death.

This will also link back to unusual deaths.

“Pluto in Aquarius will cause people to have an increased curiosity for death and death stories. There will be fascination especially for interesting and diverse deaths, bizarre deaths, strange and unusual deaths.”

And the theme of survival also relates back to Doomsday preppers and the ‘Apocalypse’ themes of Pluto in Aquarius.

But there will also be a large focus on the more common types of survivors, such as suicide survivors, domestic violence survivors, kidnapping survivors, and so on. There are many kinds. Miracle stories and strange fates will be heard about also.

With Pluto in Aquarius opposing the sign of Leo, many of these survivors will be connected to children in some way. 
They themselves could be children, or they could be parents who have lost children.


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