Death Events

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People will begin to respond differently to darker material and darker themes during Pluto in Aquarius. Attitudes surrounding it will change.

Pluto in Aquarius will cause people to have an increased curiosity for death and death stories. There will be fascination especially for interesting and diverse deaths, bizarre deaths, strange and unusual deaths.

Some of these could include crime related deaths, diving and caving, rollercoasters, extreme sports and stunts, plane crashes, animal attacks, natural disasters, sudden unexplained and mysterious deaths, among many, many other examples.

A lot of very strange, weird death circumstances and events will occur during Pluto in Aquarius, and chronicles of the past will be retold.

Survivor stories are also relevant here as they are linked through the experience or threat of death.

One of the most extreme ways that death will be highlighted is through mass death events, death epidemics, and group deaths.

Pluto = death
Aquarius = the masses, groups
= Mass death events, mass casualty

This has been demonstrated in history with the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution in 1793.

Whether its about past events, current events, or speculation about future events, mass death events and epidemics (such as the suicide epidemic) will be discussed noticeably moving forward. They will be talked about on a more mainstream level.

This of course also relates to threads I’ve made on mass murder and mass suicide, mass shootings and mass cult deaths.

There will be mass death and death crisis. Human bodies and decay. Morgue crisis. Street rot. Mass graves.

Aquarius also = systems & networks
So “mass” death relates not only to humans, but also to other animals, ecosystems, ecocide, solar systems, and even masses of cells on a molecular level, or the macrocosmic death of star systems.

A lot of this ‘death’ energy will also manifest metaphorically/figureatively in the psychology of the self, in death and rebirth of identity and philosophy. Pluto in Aquarius will bring an intense collective ego-death. A rebirth of society itself.

During Pluto in Aquarius, there will be some shocking, shocking deaths. Heartbreaking deaths that stop the world. And deaths that people will celebrate.


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