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During Pluto in Aquarius I think humanity will start discovering just how much neurotoxins and other chemical poisonings have played a part in people's mental health and aggression, as well as the nature of crime, trauma & destructiveness circulating throughout society in general
People can be awful and do unforgivable things, but their actions are the result, not the beginning, and never the whole story.
There are always deep psychological and sociological roots + influences that stretch much further, that are invisible to our surface view.
We are all human. There are no such thing as "monsters". So it's important to properly analyse and look deeper when these situations arise.
That's how you solve the pain, create healing, and progress forward. Everything is a chain reaction, everything is connected.
If you dismiss it based on immediate judgements and lack of understanding, you contribute to the continuation of the cycle.
All the things we discover during Pluto in Aquarius will be a perfect example of that.
This point is just one of them.
Neurotoxins can enter the body in a variety of ways, but the most common way is in what we eat or drink.
0:01 / 1:24
Let’s not forget that many people in society are fed neurotoxins and chemical poisons purposefully, or are trapped in situations where they must tolerate it/remain unaware of it, because the system is designed to make them sick and criminal.
The system is designed to warp minds and make people aggressive toward one another, and to create war among races, genders, sexualities, and so on.
Why? Because the rich elite want decoys and scapegoats to point the finger at, they need someone to blame, something to distract the masses.
They need a boogeyman so they can brainwash people into thinking that’s their enemy, when in reality, the entire thing is orchestrated.
And if someone is a criminal, they get caught and go to prison, they get their voting rights taken away, and they become slave labourers. See how this incentivises the creation of criminals?
It’s all a part of the plan.
Doesn’t matter what side you’re on because it’s happening to all of us. We’re all pawns on a chess board.
"50% of adults born in the US between 1940-1980 have significant brain damage from lead poisoning that consistently makes them behave more aggresively and with less empathy". It makes us consider what effects microplastics could be having on younger generations today and how that may evolve over time. Every generation has its poison it seems.
Neurotoxicity is everywhere and affecting more than you think. Once in one form, now in others.
Pluto in Aquarius themes. Capitalism doesn't care about your neurological health!