Seedless Food


Seed erasure will get worse with Pluto in Aquarius. Bioengineered foods will be hard to avoid. Seeded foods are replaced with seedless foods. Viable seeds could phase out of grocery stores and supermarkets at a rate we haven’t faced before. Get ahead of the curve now and save the seeds from the food items you buy.

The tweets I made about city densification and lawn culture also relate to this, the strict control over backyard use as well as the minimization of yards is making it so we are not able to grow our own food. (As is the spread of apartment blocks, rentals and tiny homes.)

There is also the issue of soil infertility and environmental sabotage. The ground, air and water itself is poisoned with metals and chemicals that make it unusable.

Take care of yourselves and start learning all the things they never taught you in school.

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Written in June 2021