Death Experts

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Pluto in Aquarius will shine light on all kinds of death studies, death workers, death experts, and death related jobs.

Nurses, hospice, first responders, paramedics, crisis workers, aged care, grief counselors, morticians, morgues, cemetery workers, funeral directors, gravediggers, crematoriums, forensics, crime scene clean up, body farms, death photographers, death doulas, psychics and mediums, reincarnation researchers, and more.

People who work in or around these fields will speak openly about their experiences involving death and dying. 

They will share all the gritty details of their work and what it is like to be around death on the daily. This includes the strange, mystical and paranormal side to things.


New publications on death, grief and the afterlife will be made.

The world will get to know more about everything death involves. 

This transparency around death will feel refreshing to our society.

Some of these people will begin to build followings online who are interested in hearing them talk about these death-related subjects. Death ‘influencers’ will grow on the internet.


People will open up about death and begin speaking out against the unjustified silencing and censorship of death related discussions and language. 

The evolution of language due to online limitations is something that will be addressed. The way people have had to create words like “unalive” to replace “death” “dying” “killed” or “suicide” makes it harder to navigate serious death related discussions.

Death is not a bad word. It is a natural fact of life and skirting around it, concealing it, or pretending it doesn’t exist doesn’t help anyone. It only serves to further minimise, isolate, and alienate those who have been dealt these kinds of circumstances in life. 

People are taught to hide away and stay quiet in our culture. We are taught that death is shameful and something to be feared. It is the big ‘thing that shall not be named’.

Pluto in Aquarius will change this entirely.


People who start talking about death will trigger a ripple effect where thousands of others will gain the confidence to do the same.  Spaces will be made available where people can share their own personal stories about death and support one another.

Pluto in Aquarius will have a lot of involvement with death-based communities, and death education.

This will completely shift the way our society understands and deals with death.


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