Alternative Death Culture

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Pluto in Aquarius = alternative death practices, alternate death culture.

Everything about our current culture surrounding death and grief will change. It will transform entirely.

All of our traditional ideas on death itself will die.

Funeral and burial practices will be re-thought. There will be new burial and funeral practices. Many people will completely move away from traditional death customs.

People will start discussing different alternative funeral and burial options.

People won’t want to be in a casket or in a traditional cemetery, but buried in the earth naturally.
Human composting will be popularised.

Some strange, interesting, unusual, outrageous, or out of the box methods will be introduced as well.

Cemeteries will transform in various ways, some are likely to become large forests where each person is a tree instead of a tombstone.

Graveyards will become beautiful, lively places where the living and dead come together. More activities will happen in graveyards.

Graveyards could be combined with permaculture, orchids and gardens, and community areas.

Death communities will expand.
Community alters and memorials

More people will hang out in cemeteries, talk to the people there and ghosts  Ghost communication 
Spirit boxes

Graveyard experiences
Ghost hunters, exploring graveyards

Funeral homes will change.
Funerals will become parties & celebrations again, wearing rainbow or bold, bright colours

People finding out more information and facts about funerals, morgues, crematoriums

Digital funeral celebrations of life, online cemeteries,
See: Digital Cemetery

Cremation, ashes, microscopic cosmos, stardust . Phoenix

There will be some really bizarre ideas for funerals, burials, send offs and ash spreadings. Some will make news due to it being unlike anything anyone’s ever seen before. It will catch people off guard and get attention for its shocking nature.

People’s last wishes may be unique.

More people will begin thinking about forensic body donation, perhaps they will want to donate their body to science and crime research. Body farms will be talked about more.

People will want their deaths and bodies to be studied.

The subject of body harvesting
People might want their body parts, bones and such to go to collectors or galleries.

Dark humour will be very normal and even popularised

People will start to see the beauty in death, the beauty that transcends death.

The veil will be lifted.

All of these experiences have the ability to resolve our fear of death, and help us to understand that we are energy. It realise that the physical body is a temporary vessel for the soul.

Death, in the way that we currently see it, does not really exist. Death is just a shedding of skin, and the consciousness lives on. 

Terminal patients attitude towards death, and preparing to die. What its like to prepare for death. Death cleanouts and wills. Spiritual exploration and peace.


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