Human Trafficking

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Pluto in Aquarius will ultimately rip out the roots of the current global human trafficking operations. This is when I believe society will finally address this issue. Aquarius rules humans, and along with Pluto, rules dark underground networks (especially in regards to abuse and trauma). With it in opposition to Leo, it is also presumed to involve children.

But will the dark nature of Pluto rip out its roots, or make it worse, you might ask? Well, the answer is both. Pluto's transit through this sign will take part in both sides of the extreme. It's role as a planet is to bring things to culmination, and to offer an ultimatum. The purpose of this dynamic is so these issues can no longer be ignored or brushed aside by the observer, and with this, circumstances typically get worse before they get better. But it DOES get better, because the events that transpire serve as a catlyst to expose and purge all that had been hidden or concealed, forcing larger groups of people to act ferosiously out of shock, disgust, and desperation, igniting great levels of change and justice. It brings the collective to defend all true cultural values and morals we hold dear.

This transit should end up leaving us with a more positive spin, as Pluto raises secrets to the surface so that they must be agknowledged and dealt with. Pluto is the planet of evolutionary progression. It is on our side.

This topic also relates to other Pluto in Aquarius themes such as underground tunnel networks and routes, immigration, biological resources (human organs, blood), capitalist corruption, slavery, and children.


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