Secret Societies

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Pluto in Aquarius will be the transit that reveals secret societies.

Pluto = reveals secrets
Aquarius = society

Link back to Capitalism.
Top % are guaranteed to exist. Money buys anonymity. There are populations of ultra rich whom the world does not know about. They are nameless. This much is a given.

The rest is up to you to determine.

I am not referring to “secret societies” here with any preconceived ideas. So please release any of your biases here as well. I am not bringing any pre-existing connotations or theories that exist with this word.

I am simply using it to refer to groups of people who are not visible to us.

Pluto exposes what hides in the shadows.

Pluto in Aquarius will bring a mass awakening about who is truly calling the shots, and how managed our state of being really is.


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