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Pluto in Aquarius will have a lot to do with conspiracies. I remember this being a bold statement to make a couple years ago but i’m sure most can see clear as day now how that energy has been ramping up.
Pluto in Aquarius will be a time where conspiracy theories tangle together with the mainstream. Some will be proven true, some will be proven false, new ones will be revealed. Reality as we knew it will turn upside down.
Suddenly people won’t think tin foil hats and Doomsday preppers are so ‘crazy’ anymore. People who can live off grid will be the most comfortable during these upcoming shifts in society and uncertain times.
A lot of people will look to them for advice on how to live independently from the system.
People will become painfully aware that the government does not have the people’s best interests at heart. People will finally snap awake and see that they not here to protect us, and they are not on our side.
Underground bunkers, tunnels, and vaults are also relevant throughout Pluto in Aquarius.
The underground bunkers & networks that rich people have are definitely going to come to light during Pluto in Aquarius.
Some of these secret underground areas could become exposed by sink holes or other similar means.
Some conspiracy theories will wind up gaining worldwide traction as they are being proven true in real time. They wont even be theories anymore they'll be facts.