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Predictions for Pluto in Aquarius - 9th December 2022
Microcosms and macrocosms
Discover what BLOOP is?? 77-215 meter mystery creature in the depths of the ocean
Could hear it again, or a mysterious sound just like it
Mainstream discussion about bloop and other mysterious ocean noises
- Orcas, whales, dolphins, sperm whales
- Intelligence, Language, Echolocation, sonar
Animal culture, orcas, intelligent animals who have social learning behaviours
The mind of the orca, research about the orca collective, orca culture
Could decode complex orca language, start communicating with orcas?
Orcas kept in captivity. Torturous.
Dolphin intelligence
Orca communication
AI helping to decode animal language.
Identifying call types, correlating with behaviour patterns.
Orcas own dialect
Orca culture as rich and varied as our own, group identity
Transient orcas, renegade orcas
Orca military
Militaristic hunting strategies
Sea Shepherd
Sperm whales
Diving depth
Depth of their swim, stories on their skin
Fighting giant squids
Sperm whales sleeping
Whale carcass on the ocean floor, ecosystems
Deep ocean, deepest ocean
Deep ocean exploration and discovery
New species
Mapping equipment
AI underwater underground mapping
Underwater caves and cave systems
Sonar pings harming or damaging whales
Mass whale beachings
Whale and dolphin slaughter, harm
Whaling and poaching
Japan whaling, dolphins, the cove
japans relationship with oceans
Cells of an octopus
Octopus intelligence
Great White sharks, shark stigma, shark finning
Ocean life in ocean depths on other planets
Animal brains
AI changing language forever
Ai is about to advance the world like we’ve never seen. Super civilisation, Age of enlightenment.
Ancient times, ancient oceans, dinosaurs
AI cracking science, AI scientific revolution
Science technology and apps
Collective contributions to science
New generation of researchers who can understand complex data
Big industry alliances threaten critical research
Bees, fractals, mushrooms
Edit: 2023
Orcas attacking yachts and boats, links in with animal rebellion (link to animal rebellion page)
Talk about the Navy communicating with Orcas
Edit 2024:
Communicating with whales